Sunday, 7 April 2013

Laser Hair Removal: Benefits and Effects

Laser Hair Removal
 Laser is one of the wonders of recent medical science and today laser hair removal is one of the most sought services around the world. Hair is indeed a blessing and an essential element of a person’s personality. However, they can be equally disgusting if they grow on the neck, chin or forehead. This is why most of the women seek laser hair removal treatment, which is a very suitable way to get rid of unwanted hair of face and the body. To enhance their beauty and charm, women go for laser hair treatment. Laser is an affective way to remove hair but you should also control the reasons of the growth of hair and side effects of the laser. Beauty tips that really work, are sometimes hard to find and this is why we are giving here some of the most sought methods to get beauty through laser treatment.
Benefits of laser: 
The problem of unwanted hair is found in the women of every age. Hormonal change is the major reason of the growth of unwanted hair. Poor hygiene, unhealthy diet, stress and depression can also be the reason. Laser is the solution to this problem that can also remove the hair permanently. Laser helps to get rid from the other painful means of removing hair like threading and waxing.
Laser treatment:
There are two ways of laser treatments that are common: surgical laser treatment and non-surgical laser treatment.
  •  Surgical laser treatment: Surgical method is used to cure the skin diseases through laser surgery and is done by an experienced and veteran laser surgery doctor. Hair are also removed through this way.
  • Non-surgical laser treatment: Non-surgical ways are anti aging treatment, chemical pills and micro-dermabrasion. Chemical pills are used to treat acne lines and spots of the skin. To remove the aging signs from the skin, anti-aging treatment is used. And micro-dermabrasion is way to treat the injury marks, brown spots of skin and wrinkles. 
Effects of laser:
As you all know that laser is an advanced technology that treats all skin problems. It is actually a light that weakens the hair roots, which stops the further growth of hair. Laser treatment is series of steps because laser does not remove hair completely in first time treatment. After the treatment of 6 – 8 weeks, you will get rid from these hair.
ENDYAG is advanced laser treatment in which a light of 1064 wavelength is used to remove the hair. This technology has no side effects and it is a successful way of removing hair and acne marks.


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